13 de julio de 2017

Catholic Banned by Pro-Orthodox Catholics

I write this in protest for my expulsion from a FB group called "Byzantine Catholics".
Due to the mediatization of the case of a group or Orthodox clerics in Puerto Rico who abandoned the Patriarchate of Constantinople to enter in communion with Rome, two strange individuals emerged in that group. One of them attacked and denigrated this initiative, saying it is against the agreements between Rome and the Orthodox Churches: that is, to restrict the welcoming of Orthodox groups to the Catholic Church while promoting an idyllic union of the Churches.
The one single goal of this agreement which was forwarded by the Orthodoxy is to stop the action of (Roman) Catholic missions in different parts of the world with Orthodox presence, and also choke the Ukrainian and the Russian Greek-Catholic Churches --the latter being today almost dead. This person in the group who belongs to an Eastern Catholic rite attacked Rome mercilessly and with the most unkind expressions. And also, to my absolute surprise, he commented publicly and with absolute frivolity that he is thinking of abandoning the Catholic Church and joing the OCA (Orthodox Church of America, a schism of the Russian Orthodox Church) the same way one might join a different sport club.
I was violently censored after indicating accurately that the head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church isn't a patriarch but a major-archbishop. According to him I was attacking Archbishop Sviatoslav. This about-to-be-schismatic-person denounced me to a moderator, an Eastern Catholic deacon who not only refused to read my arguments when I protested for my expulsion, but also claimed that abandoning the Roman Catholic Church doesn't mean abandoning the Catholic Church. There you see, that's a Catholic deacon... See, no need to call any Latin modernists or Protestant ecumaniacs to build broad notions of Catholic Church.
Fellow readers, I call your attention to warn you about about the danger envolving not only many lay people but also many Eastern Catholic clergy who are acting a lot more pro-Orthodoxy and anti-Roman than prudence and sensibility requires.

I was banned from a Catholic group censored by a pro-Orthodox deacon serving in an Eastern Catholic Church, to whom I was denounced by an Eastern Catholic in his way to abandon the Church. Incredible--But you're warned now.
And if you want to make your own contribution, join the group and make a counter-balance against this minority Pro-Orthodox establishment and their Orthodox supporters.

2 comentarios:

  1. I left that group a few years ago. It is full of trolls who love to insult the Catholic Church and Catholics. You're better off out of it.

    1. Thanks a lot for your support, Joe. It was the first time that I was attacked with such intensity and by a couple of fellow Catholics (who didn't act as such).
      Unfortunately while the Internet provides a great number of options to debate and share, it also grants an equal space for everyone to hold their personal views, and sometimes to impose them. Or to arbitrarily censor, without discerning who's who inside or outside the virtual world.
      A real pity --and I wasn't given a fair opportunity to defend myself.
      Anyway, many thanks to you again for your comforting words and may the Lord bless us while fighting the good fight!


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